Revisionist History

Don't you just love when people change the sequence of events in history to make their cause look so wonderful? Since <a href="">Left in The West</a> doesn't allow comments anymore unless registered, I guess they can't stand to hear dissent, I will have to dispute <a href="">this piece</a> here.<br />n<br />nBasically the story is about how the All Mighty Jon Tester is to be worshiped for his part in passing <a href="">SB 415</a>, which requires us in Montana to buy power from renewable energy, and the booming success of the <a href="">Judith Gap Wind farm</a>. The problem is, Jon Tester and his bill had no part in this wind farms success.<br />n<br />n<a href="">Here</a> you will find I commented on just this issue. It seems while SB 415 was still being debated and no mandate for renewable energy was in place, when this wind farm in Judith Gap was all ready being developed and was negotiating to <a href="">sell its power</a> to the local power company.<br />n<br />nSo, what hand does Jon Tester play in the development of this wind farm as advocated over at Left in The West?<br />n<br />nABSOLUTELY NONE!!!! People need to wake up and smell the horse shit. Just because they think we need to worship on the alter of Schweitzer/Tester doesn't mean they need to alter history. The Republicans are handing them the alter by their poor practices so the lying is not necessary. People will worship with them without the lying. Grow up.<br />n<br />n<strong>The trouble with lying and deceiving is that their efficiency depends entirely upon a clear notion of the truth that the liar and deceiver wishes to hide. Hannah Arendt</strong>