It’s Time

I know, I know, I'm a little behind schedule. I should have turned the bulls out to the yearling replacement heifers 2 days ago but I didn't. I felt that getting the seeding done was more important. The seeding is done though. What a relief. That has been praying at my mind for over a week now and I am glad to get that monkey off my back.<br />n<br />nLacking a hired man I have to prioritize somewhere and the bulls got put off. They will go out this morning though to do their job. I will start calving a couple of days later but it really shouldn't make a difference. I won't say I am behind on doing things right now but I am not ahead either. I am just keeping up with getting things done. The next few weeks are pretty scheduled in on what needs to happen at what time to keep on schedule.<br />n<br />nI have interviewed on person for the job so far. He is <b>very</b> interested in the job which really concerns me. Anybody that interested in this job with the job market the way it is really smells like trouble to me. There are lots of jobs out around the country and anybody who is this anxious to come out here worries me. The last two times I dealt with somebody this anxious to come work here they both were wanted by the law and were looking for a place to hide and being this far away from things looked like a good place to hide. I will call his references and mull the situation over. I'm not too sure.<br />n<br />nOn the way home the other day I noticed how nice and green it was around the country. It sure is pretty out. Hope it continues on this nice.<br />n<br />n<center><a href=''><img width='640' height='480' border='0' hspace='5' src='' alt='' /></a></center><br />n<br />n<b>So what I think we could aim for in the way of human civilization and culture would be a system in which we are all highly aware of our existing interconnection and unity with the whole domain of nature, and therefore do not have to go to all sorts of wild extremes to find that union. Alan Watts</b>



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