Just a Dumb Ranchers Wonderings

  • What Is Going On Here?

    <a href="http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/P/PIERCING_TRIAL?SITE=MTBIL&SECTION=US&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT">Fla. mother acquitted in piercing case</a><br />n<br />n<a href="http://www.billingsgazette.net/articles/2007/10/26/news/local/52-busby.txt">Busby man sentenced for sex abuse</a><br />n<br />n<a href="http://www.billingsgazette.net/articles/2007/10/26/news/state/51-lamedeer.txt">Lame deer man faces abuse charge</a><br />n<br />n<a href="http://www.billingsgazette.net/articles/2007/10/26/news/state/53-lodgegrass.txt">Lodge Grass man denies sex abuse</a><br />n<br />nI sometimes really worry about the world and the inhabitants that populate it. Today I really wonder seeing all these headlines in one…

  • Free Speech, Or Is It?

    I thank <a href="http://www.mtpolitics.net/">Craig</a> for bringing <a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/10/24/AR2007102402337.html">this</a> to my attention. It appears that the University of Montana has limits on the amount of money a student can spend on a campaign for student government offices.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>The Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM) allocates student activity fees, which are public funds, and…

  • Life Blood

    <center><a class='serendipity_image_link' href='http://www.sarpysam.net/gallery/misc/water410112007?full=1'><img width="640" height="480" style="border: 0px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px;" src="http://www.sarpysam.net/gallery/albums/misc/water410112007.sized.jpg" alt="" /></a></center><br />n<br />n<center>It's amazing how bad some of the springs around here can look and smell but the cattle still think it's really good water. I guess when you live in this dry of country stinky, smelly water is better than none…

  • Jewelry

    <center><a class='serendipity_image_link' href='http://www.sarpysam.net/gallery/misc/calf10222007?full=1'><img width="640" height="427" style="border: 0px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px;" src="http://www.sarpysam.net/gallery/albums/misc/calf10222007.sized.jpg" alt="" /></a></center><br />n<br />n<center>I see a neighbor of mine is trying a different way of weaning calves. Instead of pulling the calf off the cow and separating the two, they put this fancy nose jewelry on which keeps the calf from nursing the…

  • Product Of

    You might know that I've found the whole idea of Canadian Cattle producers getting upset over American <acronym title="Country of Origin Labeling">COOL</acronym> as funny. Mostly because it doesn't seem right for them to be upset over internal American Policy. Now I have another reason to think their behavior is funny. Canada has it's own <acronym…

  • Tractor

    <center><a class='serendipity_image_link' href='http://www.sarpysam.net/gallery/misc/tractor10162007?full=1'><img width="640" height="427" style="border: 0px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px;" src="http://www.sarpysam.net/gallery/albums/misc/tractor10162007.sized.jpg" alt="" /></a></center><br />n<br />n<center>This old tractor sitting by what is called the Cook Camp has always intrigued me. There are a few old tractors laying around these hills but this one has always fascinated me. Taken 10/16/2007.</center>

  • California Fires

    <a href="http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/C/CALIFORNIA_WILDFIRES?SITE=MTBIL&SECTION=US&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT">Calif. wildfires force mass evacuations</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>As the fires spread, most out of control, smaller blazes were merging into larger, more fearsome ones. Evacuations were being announced in one community after another as firefighters found themselves overwhelmed by gale-force Santa Ana winds, some gusting to 70 mph.</blockquote><br />n<br />nSeventy mph winds, dry grass and…

  • Talk

    I found this very funny and true. Thought you might enjoy it.<br />n<br />n<a href="http://www.grit.com/article/2007/11/How-to-Talk-Farmer.html">How to Talk Farmer<br />nLearn the understated language of those who work the land.</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>“Just a few acres.” On the off chance that you’re a tax assessor, most farmers would rather chew a leg off than tell you how many…

  • Walking

    <center><a class='serendipity_image_link' href='http://www.sarpysam.net/gallery/Yearlings/walking10152007?full=1'><img width="640" height="427" style="border: 0px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px;" src="http://www.sarpysam.net/gallery/albums/Yearlings/walking10152007.sized.jpg" alt="" /></a></center><br />n<br />n<center>Some of the yearlings walking down the road towards water. We've' had some really beautiful fall days. the only way they would have been better is if it had been raining. Taken 10/15/2007.</center>

  • Empty

    If you build it, they will come. This seems to be the philosophy the , Hardin's economic development arm, used when it built a jail for $20 million dollars. They didn't have any contracts for prisoners, they just built the damn thing anyway knowing somehow that everything would work out okay. Now they are in…