Just a Dumb Ranchers Wonderings

  • Down Country

    <center><a class='serendipity_image_link' href='http://www.sarpysam.net/gallery/views/down09142006?full=1'><img width='640' height='480' border='0' hspace='5' src='http://www.sarpysam.net/gallery/albums/views/down09142006.sized.jpg' alt='' /></a></center><br />n<br />n<center>Looking down Sarpy creek. We were out gathering the last pasture in this area bringing the cattle home for shipping. I had opened the gates a while ago and there were only a few left in here. Taken 9/14/2006.</center>

  • Competition

    <a href="http://www.cattlenetwork.com/content.asp?contentid=68223" >Australian Beef Producers Dread U.S. Re-entry Into Korea</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Australian beef industry analyst Peter Weeks of Meat and Livestock Australia predicts that Australia's beef producers will lose 30 percent of their market in South Korea when the United States resumes beef shipments in October.<br />n<br />n"We are looking at a 30 percent fall…

  • Therapist

    At the end of last school year my boy's speech therapist moved on and left us with no one to help him. His Occupational therapist helped pick up the slack but then she moved on during the summer and left us high and dry. We are still in contact with the OT but having a…

  • Good News For Beef

    What's the good news? US beef tastes great.<br />n<br />n<a href="http://www.drovers.com/news_editorial.asp?pgID=675&ed_id=3813" >Japanese Consumers Pick U.S. Beef Above The Rest </a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>When given the choice of American, Japanese and Australian beef, consumers at a Tokyo beef event Sunday chose the U.S. variety.<br />n<br />nThe event was held at Shinjuku station, the busiest train station in…

  • Initiative Progress

    There are three very controversial Initiatives that qualified for the Montana ballot that have been creating a lot of talk.<br />n<br />nCI-97: The Montana Constitution currently prohibits appropriations by the legislature that exceed anticipated revenue. This measure adds a constitutional spending limit that would prohibit increases in appropriations greater than the combined growth rate of…

  • Beef Checkoff News

    <a href="http://www.cattlenetwork.com/content.asp?ContentId=67537" >Jolley: The Checkoff – Two Decades Of Sleeping At The Financial Switch</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Beef industry leaders met in Kansas City this summer to take a fresh look at the Beef Checkoff program. The 17-member industry-wide Beef Checkoff Task Force established their mission this way: “to review, study and recommend enhancements to the Beef…

  • Sanity

    <a href="http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060912/en_nm/life_spain_models_dc" >Ban on skinny models shocks fashion world</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>The world's first ban on overly thin models at a top-level fashion show in Madrid has caused outrage among modeling agencies and raised the prospect of restrictions at other catwalk pageants.<br />n<br />nMadrid's fashion week has turned away underweight models after protests that young girls…

  • Dry Ground

    <center><a class='serendipity_image_link' href='http://www.sarpysam.net/gallery/misc/cracks09132006?full=1'><img width='640' height='480' border='0' hspace='5' src='http://www.sarpysam.net/gallery/albums/misc/cracks09132006.sized.jpg' alt='' /></a></center><br />n<br />n<center>Just a picture to show you how dry it is around here. Big cracks are opening up in the ground like I have never seen before. I did not have to force the shovel in at all, it's just sitting there. Taken 9/9/2006.</center>

  • Disaster Aid Update

    The Democrats in the House are coming out swinging full guns on this one.<br />n<br />n<blockquote> September 12, 2006<br />n<br />nThe Honorable Dennis Hastert The Honorable John Boehner<br />nSpeaker Majority Leader<br />nU.S. House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives<br />nWashington DC 20515 Washington DC 20515<br />n<br />nDear Speaker Hastert and Majority Leader Boehner:<br />n<br />nWe…

  • Wyoming Brucellosis-Free

    <a href="http://www.billingsgazette.net/articles/2006/09/12/news/wyoming/43-cattle.txt" >Wyoming regains brucellosis-free status</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>The federal government declared Wyoming's cattle herds free of brucellosis, meaning costly restrictions placed on the state's producers over the last 2 1/2 years can now be eased, state officials said Tuesday.<br />n<br />nThe decision by the U.S. Agriculture Department to declare the state brucellosis-free will be official…