Category: yahoo 360

  • Loser Update

    It appears <a href="">THE LOSER</a> is gone. I don't know if he did it or Yahoo took him done but there is no evidence of him <i>per se</i> (Just for you <a href="">Craig</a>). Irregardless ( again just for you <a href="">Craig</a>) I am happy to see him disappear. I did hear from Yahoo on the…

  • Loser Mail

    Just to keep you updated on <a href="">THE LOSER</a>, I sent him a message and I copy it here for all to see.<br />n<br />nHi there Tony, if that's your name since you seem to steal everything else. I am Sarpy Sam who you are stealing posts from and presenting on your blog as your…

  • Identity Theft

    I am a victim of Identity theft. Of all things someone has stolen my identity. I find it mostly humorous/sad if the truth were to be known. I know, humorous and identity theft normally don't go hand in hand but this time and circumstance it does. You see, my blog identity has been stolen. Yes,…