Category: work

  • Caught Up

    We are getting everything caught up around here slowly but surely. They had quite a rain snow storm west of us over the weekends with amounts of moisture well over an inch. We got less than a quarter of an inch so it never really slowed us down at all. It is the most moisture…

  • Farming

    I know posting has been lacking here of late but I have been fairly busy and not had much time to post. I finally got all the cattle where I wanted them this week and got some farming done.<br />n<br />nI finished the renovating Saturday, covered almost 800 acres in 4 days, and am now…

  • Different Doctors or Different Attitudes

    <a href="" >Montanans work hard, play hard; area leads nation for back surgeries</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Bill Renney blames most of his back trouble on a rock.<br />n<br />nRenney's wife spied the lichen-covered stone last summer while the couple was hiking near Cooke City.<br />n<br />n"She found a real nice rock," Renney said. "She encouraged me in…