Category: weather

  • Rain

    It is totally unbelievable this year. After years of drought we are getting so much rain the country can't use it. It's all running off. Billings didn't get that much but the <a href="">creeks around it are flooding</a> from the greater amounts upcountry. Over 4 inches in the Pryors. <br />n<br />nWe got around 2-3…

  • Changes

    It's amazing the difference a year can make. Last year I would have given anything to get some rain. This year I am to the point I will give anything to get it to quit raining. It has rained the last 3 days here and we have gotten over 4 inches of rain. Total in…

  • Will He Sign?

    Will President Bush sign the <a href="">disaster aid/assistance</a> that Congress recently passed? He has never been a big fan of Agricultural disaster aid but he might sign this one. <br />n<br />nI have been <a href="">talking about this disaster aid</a> for a while. A lot of it is drought assistance for the last couple of…

  • A Few Done

    We got a few done yesterday. With some neighbors, we branded 100 head of calves yesterday morning. Boy did it go smooth. A good crew makes all the difference. I was about 2 weeks behind schedule with this little branding. That's thanks to the snowstorm and later rainstorm putting me behind. Sorry, no pictures. I…

  • Timing

    Timing seems to be everything in life but sometimes you can't take the credit for it. It finally got dry enough that I was able to get all my renovating and farming done. I finished putting the seed in the ground on Wednesday afternoon and finish up the farming I was really pushing on. Guess…

  • When it Rains, It Pours

    On Monday we got over an inch of rain. Last year I would have given anything for moisture, so far this spring I am getting more than enough. I rode across my plowed field that I want to seed to grass and my horse was sinking in about a foot and there was water standing…

  • Cattle Herd News

    It appears that the US cattle herd is <a href="">not expanding</a> at the present time. This can be seen because female slaughter is keeping pace with steer slaughter which is a strong indicator that the US herd is remaining steady.<br />n<br />nThis is really good news because we have had a few good years, marketing…

  • Little Siberia

    Mittens wanted to go outside this morning and took one look out the door at the fresh snowfall and decided not to. I told him that there is no door into summer and I don't think there ever will be again.<br />n<br />nI know, defeatist, but that's what it feels like. The snow all ready…

  • Soup

    <center><a class='serendipity_image_link' href=''><img width='640' height='427' style="border: 0px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px;" src="" alt="" /></a></center><br />n<br />n<center>The water and mud we are having to deal with under all the snow. What a mess. Taken 3/29/2006.<center><br />n<br />

  • Snow Update

    We got about 16 inches of snow with 3-4 foot drifts so far out of the storm. I've been busy all day getting to the cattle and getting them fed. What little I looked around everything appeared to be all right. The cows and calves are all bunched up in a brushy draw to get…