Category: voting

  • Useless Thoughts

    Some things that quickly caught my eye.<br />n<br />nWhen did the Doomsday Clock, which was used to show the threat of a nuclear cataclysm, begin to be used to show <a href="">environmental catastrophe</a>? I was not aware of this change, not that I'm in the loop on this one. It seems like an………interesting change.<br />n<br…

  • Montana Weblog Awards 2006

    <a href="">Wulfgar</a> has taken it on himself to run the Montana Weblog Awards again this year. Right off the bat I wish to praise him for taking on this effort with all the work that's involved with it. Thanks Wulfgar.<br />n<br />nNominations were taken for a week and now the <a href="">ballot is up</a>. I…

  • A Vote’s Value

    There are many people in the US who could care less if they vote or not. They think there vote is worth nothing. Here's somebody who values their vote.<br />n<br />n<a href="" >Absentee Florida ballot sent with precious stamp</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>A Florida voter may have unwittingly lost hundreds of thousands of dollars by using an…

  • People Are Idiots

    I voted absentee a little while ago because it is easier and quicker for me. When i was done I looked at the envelope and felt the weight and knew that it was going to take more than one stamp to return it so I put two on it and sent it in. I guess…

  • Election Results

    There are all kinds of election results in the <a href="">Billings Gazette</a> this morning so I won't link to them all. Suffice it to say my streak holds firm. I am still voting on the opposite side of the majority of the citizens in the state and county and nobody, or ballot issue, I voted…

  • Voting

    <a href="">Absentee ballots pour into election office"</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>An old election quip encourages the electorate "to vote early and often." Nowadays the first half of the maxim is legal and popular as a record number of voters cast their ballots before election day.<br />n<br />n"It is a growing trend," said Duane Winslow, Yellowstone County election…