Category: trade barriers

  • This is a Compromise?

    It appears that South Korea is willing, if that's what you want to call it, to compromise on their <a href="">official/unofficial US beef Blockade</a>. Instead of combing through a whole shipment of beef to find the most minute piece of bone fragment imaginable so they can reject the shipment, they are now willing to comb…

  • Big Stick

    <a href="" >Nelson threatens trade war with South Korea over beef</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson (D) threatened to introduce legislation that would impose sanctions on South Korea if that nation doesn’t end its more than three-year-long ban on U.S. beef. Nelson introduced similar legislation aimed at Japan while that nation's market remained closed to…

  • South Korea Acts Up Again

    You might remember my rant about <a href="">South Korea's unofficial, official</a> trade barrier to US Beef. Well I see South Korea has again threw up it's unofficial, official trade barrier for the world to see.<br />n<br />n<a href="" >South Korea says banned bone pieces found in third U.S. beef shipment</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>South Korea said Wednesday…

  • Baucus Stands Up

    A little more information on my rant yesterday about <a href="">South Korea's unofficial, official</a> trade barrier to US beef.<br />n<br />n<a href="" >Baucus sets condition to support pact</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>The next chairman of the Senate Finance Committee sliced into a T-bone steak here Sunday and said he cannot support a free-trade agreement between the United…

  • South Korea’s Trade Barrier

    I posted a while ago that South Korea had <a href="">opened up its market to US beef</a> and how the news made me happy. It turns out I was wrong. While <strong>technically</strong> opening its market to US beef, South Korea has has rejected almost every shipment of beef into its country for one reason or…