Category: spring

  • First Calf

    Spring has officially Sprung for me and a new year has begun. The first calf on the cows was spotted yesterday. The cows don't get the attention the first calf heifers do. I knew the cows could be starting any time now so it was not a surprise, nice to see but not a surprise.<br…

  • Weather

    Typical Montana weather. Saturday was a nice, warm, beautiful day. Air was clear, birds were singing, just a spectacular day.<br />n<br />n<center><div class="serendipity_imageComment_center" style="width: 188px"><div class="serendipity_imageComment_img"><a href=''><img width='188' height='250' border='0' hspace='5' src='' alt='' /></a></div><div class="serendipity_imageComment_txt">Biscuit guarding the flower bed on a beautiful warm day. Taken 4/22/2006.</div></div></center><br />n<br />nThen Sunday rolled in. Cold, light snow, low…

  • Kicking Out

    <a href=''><img width='250' height='167' border='0' hspace='5' align='left' src='' alt='' /></a>It's that time of year again to start moving critters out to the hills and off of feed. The green grass is coming along really well and the pastures I am going into have quite a bit of old grass to go along with the new…

  • Change in Life

    <center><a href=''><img width='640' height='427' border='0' hspace='5' src='' alt='' /></a></center><br />n<br />n<center>Blue Skies, no snow, spring is definitely here. The feel in the air and the sounds of nature all change and feel more alive now than they did earlier in the winter. It's great, a new year in Montana, The Last Best Place.</center><br />n<br />nIt…

  • Spring Has Sprung

    <center><a href=''><img width='640' height='427' border='0' hspace='5' src='' alt='' /></a></center><br />n<br />n<center>Flowers are starting to show their color. I guess that means spring is here. This comes up in a sheltered flower bed against a cement wall so it gets a lot more heat and warmth than the average spot around here. Still, spring has sprung.…