Category: replacement heife

  • Heard

    I heard something very interesting the other day. I had a neighbor preg check his replacement heifers and ended up with 22% drys. Well over normal for them just like my 24% dry was well over for me. Now I really wonder why my neighbor, over 10 miles and 3 herds away, would have about…

  • Preg Check

    We Preg-checked the replacement heifers yesterday. I wish I could say it went well but that wouldn't be the case. It is normal for me to have 10-12% dries on my replacement heifers. This time they went, I hate to admit it, 23% dry. Almost twice what is normal. When the vet checked the first…

  • Funny Thing

    A funny thing happened on the way to the feed ground the other day, the replacement heifer calves really started to look good to me finally. I'm still in shock about how good they look. Let me explain.<br />n<br />nAt weaning time I keep a number of the best heifer calves to use as replacement…