Category: ranch
Moving Markets
You might remember from the pictures, that I had some cows and bulls on the market on Wednesday. I heard the market report the other day for Wednesday and heard that cows and bulls were up 2-4 dollars on that day in Billings. I thought that I was real lucky to hit the market on…
Not Yet
I was going to try to cut a little hay down yesterday so I could get the haying started. I always say the hay doesn't dry standing up, but it definitely doesn't dry when it rains. Yes, again we got another half inch of rain and now have to wait until the ground is dry…
Bulls Are Out, Finally
<center><a class='serendipity_image_link' href=''><img width='640' height='480' style="border: 0px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px;" src="" alt="" /></a></center><br />n<br />n<center>I managed to finally get the bulls out. I was a few days later than normal due to all the moisture we have been having recently. It isn't quitting wither. The are predicting one to three inches of rain in…
It's amazing the difference a year can make. Last year I would have given anything to get some rain. This year I am to the point I will give anything to get it to quit raining. It has rained the last 3 days here and we have gotten over 4 inches of rain. Total in…
<blockquote>Forty adults and kids as young as 7 get on their horses and head out to round up the cattle at the Weller Ranch north of Kadoka, S.D.<br />n<br />nThey bring the 100 cow/calf pairs down to a corral made of cattle panels. Five or six men on horseback sort the cows out and leave…
Timing seems to be everything in life but sometimes you can't take the credit for it. It finally got dry enough that I was able to get all my renovating and farming done. I finished putting the seed in the ground on Wednesday afternoon and finish up the farming I was really pushing on. Guess…
I know posting has been lacking here of late but I have been fairly busy and not had much time to post. I finally got all the cattle where I wanted them this week and got some farming done.<br />n<br />nI finished the renovating Saturday, covered almost 800 acres in 4 days, and am now…
When it Rains, It Pours
On Monday we got over an inch of rain. Last year I would have given anything for moisture, so far this spring I am getting more than enough. I rode across my plowed field that I want to seed to grass and my horse was sinking in about a foot and there was water standing…