Category: loser

  • Meat Packers Lose a Round

    <a href="">Jury awards $9.25M to cattle raisers</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>A federal jury on Wednesday awarded $9.25 million to cattle raisers who said large meat packing companies had underpaid producers for live cattle.</blockquote><br />n<br />nI'm sure this will be overturned on appeal. These type of cases usually are but it's nice to see. <br />n<br />n<b>You must…

  • Comments

    I won't point any fingers, but don't you just love it when you leave a coment on a blog that disagrees with what they are saying and they just delete it instead of responding to it. So much for blogs being about ideas, censorship of those who disagree with you is more like it.

  • Loser Update

    It appears <a href="">THE LOSER</a> is gone. I don't know if he did it or Yahoo took him done but there is no evidence of him <i>per se</i> (Just for you <a href="">Craig</a>). Irregardless ( again just for you <a href="">Craig</a>) I am happy to see him disappear. I did hear from Yahoo on the…

  • Loser Mail

    Just to keep you updated on <a href="">THE LOSER</a>, I sent him a message and I copy it here for all to see.<br />n<br />nHi there Tony, if that's your name since you seem to steal everything else. I am Sarpy Sam who you are stealing posts from and presenting on your blog as your…

  • Identity Theft

    I am a victim of Identity theft. Of all things someone has stolen my identity. I find it mostly humorous/sad if the truth were to be known. I know, humorous and identity theft normally don't go hand in hand but this time and circumstance it does. You see, my blog identity has been stolen. Yes,…