Category: life

  • So True

    Some times things are going on that I have no way of relating to people who aren't in the agricultural business. <a href="">This story about rising prices for agricultural producers</a> is one of those things. It very clearly explains how rising production costs are really eating into any money we might be able to make…

  • Memories

    The recent Blizzards in Colorado and a book I am reading have reminded me of the winter of 96-97 in this area. It rivaled the historical winter of 1887 in it's ferocity and snow cover around here. It started in mid October and didn't end until mid April.<br />n<br />nI have never fed cows so…

  • Here We Go Again

    Well, no surprise, the Hired Hand quit yesterday morning. I assumed after his doctor appointment on Monday he would. From my discussions with him I figured he was going to opt for surgery over medicine to fix his heart condition. They are going to crack his chest open and either fix or replace his heart…

  • Inappropriate

  • How Depressing

    <a href="">Most college students lack skills to do complex tasks, study says</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Most college students close to earning a diploma cannot handle many complex but common tasks, from understanding credit card offers to comparing the cost per ounce of food.<br />n<br />nThose are the sobering findings of a study of literacy on college campuses,…