Category: lawyer

  • Sad Day

    It's a pretty sad day when you are told a course of action in a legal battle, non criminal, you are involved in is going to cost $2000 and think to yourself, "what's $2000 more dollars at this point, it doesn't matter. I wonder where the people suing me are getting the money to pay…

  • Insult or Compliment

    I was told yesterday that I "think like a lawyer and you might have missed your profession." Now the person that told me this was a lawyer so I'm sure he thought it was a compliment, I'm not to sure it was though. What would be your opinion?<br />n<br />n<strong>The greatest compliment that was ever…

  • Excuse Me?

    If Sen Burns has not done anything wrong, and was not influenced by Abramoff, and has not been contacted by the Justice Department in connection with the Abramoff scandal, why is he <a href="">hiring a lawyer</a> that specializes in "white-collar crime, the defense of government enforcement actions, political and congressional investigations, corporate internal investigations and…