Category: history

  • Gone

    Well, the hired hand is history. He left last night. I can't say it hurts my feelings, I'm just not looking forward to dealing with a new one. He should be here Saturday.<br />n<br />nThe old hired hand had his Dad come down to help him move out. He had a flatbed trailer and had…

  • Large Neighbors

    The Padalock Ranch is one of my neighbors. They rank somewhere around number 5 for the largest privately held cattle ranch in the US. This little blurb in the Gazette caught my eye.<br />n<br />n<a href="" >History of Padlock Ranch topic of meeting</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Dan Scott will talk about the history of the Padlock Ranch,…

  • Montana History

    <a href="">Milestones in Montana history discussed</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>If you thought Meriwether Lewis and William Clark's voyage of discovery and the Battle of the Little Bighorn were about the only significant events in Montana's history, guess again.<br />n<br />nFor Memorial Day, The Billings Gazette asked historians and political-science professors from Montana colleges and universities to talk…