Category: hired hand
Waiting For The Next Blow
My Darling Wife always tells me that bad things happen in packets of three. I'm waiting for the third one.<br />n<br />nTo start with <a href="">the little lady</a>, the last bum I found, died last night. It wasn't particularly surprised by this. I had fed it and doctored on it but I could not get…
Some Cattle Out In The Hills
<center><a href=''><img width='640' height='431' border='0' hspace='5' src='' alt='' /></a></center><br />n<br />n<center>The hired man trailing in pairs to the corner. We had brought plenty to the corner, more than was easy to handle, but we won in the long run. Got most of thewm sorted and out the gate. Taken 4/11/2006.</center><br />n<br />n<center><a href=''><img width='640' height='480'…
Warmer Weather
It finally turned warm and spring like so it's time to get ready to turn everything out into the hills. I see a little green grass starting to poke its head through so it's time. I've had the hired man checking out fences in the pastures we will be going out to so that they…
Intestinal Fortitude
So far I've been real happy with the new hired man. He works hard and pitches in whenever necessary. I like that. I have come across one thing since we started calving heifers that I don't like. If a cow turns and faces him he runs off.<br />n<br />nNow understand, when you are dealing with…
Testing The Hired Hand
When I hired my new hired hand he was real upfront that he wasn't a cowboy and that his skills on a horse were not very good. Hell, he doesn't even have a saddle which is almost a sin in my book if you want to do this kind of work but what the heck,…