Category: food

  • Food

    I know this is very unlike me but I just can't help it. My Darling Wife and I were in Billings the other day and tried out a new eating establishment in the city. <a href="">The Staggering Ox</a>. It serves what they define as sandwiches. I really hate to say this but it was the…

  • Food Crisis

    Everybody that has read here for a while knows that I am very concerned that the push the US is seeing into ethanol and biofuels and the subsidies the government is spending on these things are endangering our food security. We have to think about what we are doing by trying to grow our fuel.…

  • Ethanol Concerns Grow

    <a href="" >Ethanol Production Threatening Livestock Industry, Food Supply</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Think tanks and livestock producers alike are alarmed at the rate of growth of the ethanol industry and its effect on feed supplies for the meat industry.<br />n<br />nRon Plain, an agricultural economist at the University of Missouri, says that increases in corn costs have…

  • What You Talkin About?

    <blockquote>Soaring corn prices are squeezing meat and milk producers, but consumers will not necessarily see higher prices at the grocery checkout, Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns said in an interview Thursday.<br />n<br />nCostly corn has made it more expensive to feed cows, chickens and pigs. Demand for ethanol, a fuel made from corn, has pushed the…

  • Enough To Eat

    <a href="" >Scientists urge research to aid in balancing food, energy needs</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>To ensure that there's enough corn to fuel humans as well as vehicles, scientists are urging more research into boosting corn yields and improving ethanol production.<br />n<br />nMany key issues related to expanding the nation's ethanol industry aren't being studied under current…