Category: food safety

  • Win, Lose

    Now this is really ….. interesting. Part of the whole ethanol boom is the distillers grain that is available after the ethanol is made. This distillers grain has turned into a real boom for the cattle feeding buisness. The cattle feeders might be losing some corn but they are making up for it with the…

  • Priorities

    <a href="">Tainted meat traced to Canada</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>A now-closed Canadian beef company was the source of contaminated meat that sickened 45 people in eight states, U.S. Department of Agriculture officials say.<br />n<br />nOne of those states was Wyoming. A recall pulled the meat from shelves in Cheyenne in late September and early October.<br />n<br />nA…

  • Pressure

    I see China is trying to pressure the US into <a href="">accepting more tainted food</a> by blocking American imports into their country.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>China has sharply increased inspections of imported U.S. food, escalating its spat with Washington over product safety and leaving American beef piling up in warehouses and delaying shipments of black pepper and…

  • Troublesome

    I found <a href="">this article</a> about pig disease in China very troublesome. I read it yesterday morning and had to let it run around my pea sized brain for a while but it struck me as a problem.<br />n<br />nWhat's so troublesome about it? China is so worried about making money off the vaccine for…

  • Brain Dead

    You want to talk about people who can't think, I have found an example. Here recently, as I am sure you are aware, There was a big problem with <a href="">melamine contamination</a> from some ingredients from China. It now appears an American company that manufactures feed for livestock and fish <a href="">also uses melamine</a> in…

  • Where Does The Problem Begin

    We have all heard about the <a href="">pet food recalls and contaminated wheat gluten from China</a> that has caused it. The story has continued since some of this contaminated gluten has been fed to hogs and chickens and now raises questions about these animals. <br />n<br />nThe hogs and chickens that have all ready made…

  • Food Safety

    Activist always talk about American farmers and ranchers producing unsafe food. There is always something wrong with it according to them. You want to read about unsafe food, read this story about <a href="">food safety and China</a>.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>Worried about losing access to foreign markets and stung by tainted food products scandals at home, China…

  • Food Borne Illness

    <a href="" >Rates Of Foodborne Illness Are Decreasing</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reported that rates of foodborne illness and the incidence of pathogens in food declined significantly between the late 1990s and 2005. The incidence rates of infection for major pathogens declined by the following rates: Listeria, 32% Campylobacter, 30% E. coli…

  • Wisdom of Cloning

    <a href="" >FDA Says Clones Are Safe To Eat</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Taking a long-awaited stand in an emotionally fraught food fight, the Food and Drug Administration yesterday released a 678-page analysis concluding that milk and meat from cloned animals pose no unique risks to consumers.<br />n<br />nThe decision, subject to change after a period of public…

  • People Need To Think

    <a href="" >'Organic' doesn't mean safer or more nutritious</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>It's a bad moment for believers in the mystical wonders of organic and natural foods. Deadly E. coli bacteria, lurking in spinach from one of the biggest organic farms in America, just killed one woman and hospitalized at least 29 other people with kidney failure.…