Category: food bank

  • Giving

    Tis the season you know. The season of giving. In celebration of the season, <a href="">Matt</a> and <a href="">Craig</a> are doing it again. <a href="">The 2nd annual Montana Blogosphere fundraising drive for the Montana Food Bank Network</a>. You can find the donation page <a href="">here</a> so you can celebrate the season of giving. Please give.<br…

  • Feed The Needy

    <a href="" >Hamburger Helper</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Every rancher has cattle who get old or injured. And for most ranchers, their emotional attachment to the animals forces a financial decision<br />n<br />nIf the rancher takes the animal to the sales ring, on its way to the packing plant, it could fall and be injured. If it's injured…

  • Giving

    <a href="">Craig</a> and <a href="">Matt</a> have joined forces this holiday season to support the Montana Food Bank Network. <a href="">Go on over</a> and donate to this good cause and help others less fortunate. Thanks.<br />n<br />n<strong>The giving of love is an education in itself. Eleanor Roosevelt</strong>