Category: coyotes

  • Coyotes

    <a href="" >Coyote killing contest prompt howls from foes</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>The barren, wind-swept buttes surrounding this small ranching town will offer scant places for coyotes to hide this weekend, as some 180 hunters from across the country converge for a "calling" contest to see who can shoot the most coyotes over three days.<br />n<br />nPart…

  • Sharptail Grouse

    <center><a href=''><img width='640' height='427' border='0' hspace='5' src='' alt='' /></a></center><br />n<br />n<center>Sharptail grouse foraging for food during the light snow storm on Thursday. There were quite a few more in the area that I didn't get a picture of. I have never seen so many around during the winter. Maybe the coyotes will bother them and…