Category: corn

  • Drought and Corn Prices

    I brought up the fact recently that a drought in the corn belt due to the La Nina currently in place could really affect the corn prices and affect the price of food for all of us. I got accused of only caring for this because of how it affects the beef market. I will…

  • Consequences

    Sometimes the policies that the US fosters and the public condones has unintended consequences.<br />n<br />n<a href="" title="interesting">Corn… fuel… fire!<br />nU.S. corn subsidies promote Amazon de forestation</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Amazon deforestation and fires are being aggravated by US farm subsidies, claims STRI’s staff scientist William Laurance.<br />n <br />n According to Laurance, whose findings are reported…

  • Brilliant

    I find stories like this one so blatantly obvious that I lack the ability to respond to them.<br />n<br />n<a href="">Ethanol, cattle prices linked by corn</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>As the price of corn rises – largely due to increased ethanol production – the price of feeder cattle falls, said Ron Torell, Cooperative Extension livestock specialist.<br />n<br…

  • Cattle Herd Expansion Delayed

    <a href="">No Herd Expansion Expected For Several Years</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Say all you want about historically high cattle prices, the longest sustained period of cow-calf profitability on record, robust consumer beef demand and the growing seasonal prospects for more grass and forage.<br />n<br />n"We didn't expand the herd last year, we won't this year, and I…

  • Cattle Herd Flat

    Last year about this time we were looking at the total cow herd expanding for the year. If there was any build up, which I am not to sure about, <a href="" >it is over</a>.<br />n<br />nI have to truthfully say this is good news for cattle producers. Fewer cattle will hold up cattle prices…

  • Iceberg

    I see that my contention that food prices will rise because of ethanol production is not all hot air, it's starting to be seen.<br />n<br />n<a href="">Mexicans cope with rising tortilla price</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Soaring international demand for corn has caused a spike in prices for Mexico's humble tortilla, hitting the poor and forcing President Felipe…

  • Ethanol Concerns Grow

    <a href="" >Ethanol Production Threatening Livestock Industry, Food Supply</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Think tanks and livestock producers alike are alarmed at the rate of growth of the ethanol industry and its effect on feed supplies for the meat industry.<br />n<br />nRon Plain, an agricultural economist at the University of Missouri, says that increases in corn costs have…

  • What You Talkin About?

    <blockquote>Soaring corn prices are squeezing meat and milk producers, but consumers will not necessarily see higher prices at the grocery checkout, Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns said in an interview Thursday.<br />n<br />nCostly corn has made it more expensive to feed cows, chickens and pigs. Demand for ethanol, a fuel made from corn, has pushed the…