Category: confidence

  • Inspiring Confidence

    <a href="">The Dispatcher</a> had a conversation the other day during the fire that I wanted to share with you. She was calling BIA fire control when she had the conversation.<br />n<br />nPhone ringing and is then picked up, voice on other end: Uhhhh?<br />n<br />nTD (The Dispatcher): Hello?<br />n<br />nVoice: Uhhh?<br />n<br />nTD: Is this…

  • Change

    The Democrats last fall took over our National Congress and claimed they would make changes. They would work for the people and solve all the problems that the Republicans dumped on us, the people. Now I haven't been very impressed with anything they have accomplished but I am a skeptic so that is not surprising.…

  • Rain’s Value

    Shamlessly stolen from <a href="">Larry Gabriel</a>, South Dakota Department of Agriculture<br />n<br />n<font size=5><center>Rains of Confidence</center></font size=5><br />n<br />n<blockquote>A recent headline read, "Rural Confidence Hits Four Year Low." The story was based on a bank's annual survey of Australian farmers. It concluded that drought and rising input costs caused farmers to lose "confidence" that next…

  • Closer Yet

    <a href="">Japan prepares to lift ban on U.S. beef</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Japan is expected to approve a partial resumption of imports of U.S. beef this coming week, a news report said Saturday.<br />n<br />nThe government plans to officially approve the resumption on Thursday, the national Yomiuri newspaper said, without citing sources, which is customary in Japanese…