Category: beef checkoff

  • Increase

    I see the shills for the big meat packers are backing the beef checkoff increase.<br />n<br />n<a href="">Cattle group votes to beef up marketing fee</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Cattle producers voted this weekend to increase the fee that they pay to finance the "Beef, It's What's For Dinner" advertising campaign and other programs, because inflation and other…

  • Advertising

    If you have read here long you know that while I am not fond of the beef checkoff, I don't mind it either. Advertising never hurts, unless you advertise like this. Actually I know it's not an advertisement, but it might be mistaken as one. <a class="block_level" href="">Continue reading "Advertising"</a>

  • Checkoff Changes

    Damn computers, I had a whole big commentary wrote up and the damn computer ate it. Sorry I can't recreate it.<br />n<br />n<a href="">Cattlemen propose changes in federal beef checkoff law</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Cattle producers in Nebraska and other states are pushing for what would be the first significant changes to the national beef checkoff program…

  • Checkoff

    I see that the <acronym title="United States Cattleman's Association">USCA</acronym> is <a href="">starting a push</a> to have part of the beef checkoff funds used to promote just domestic beef. This ties in really with the push <acronym title="United States Cattleman's Association">USCA</acronym> is making for Mandatory <acronym title="Country of Origin Labeling">COOL</acronym>. As long as the beef checkoff…

  • Checkoff Survey

    <a href="" >R-CALF: Checkoff Survey Results Match Group’s Policy Positions</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>R-CALF USA Checkoff Committee Chair Jim Hanna said the organization is extremely encouraged by the results of the recently completed survey of cattle producers on the Beef Checkoff Program. The survey was conducted by the Gallup Organization.<br />n<br />n“To have an overwhelming majority of…