Category: YNP

  • Disappearing Claim

    Recently there was a flurry of articles like <a href="">this one</a> trumpeting the fact that the white-tailed jack rabbit had disappeared from Yellowstone National Park. Now all of a sudden, with no where near the fanfare, we here the scientist involved is <a href="">withdrawing his claim</a> that these jack rabbits have actually disappeared from the…

  • Split State Concern

    <a href="">Ranchers voice concerns over proposed split-state status</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Montana cattlemen have a choice to make – to pursue a split-state status in the case of another brucellosis outbreak around the Yellow-stone National Park – or not.<br />n<br />n“The governor is leaving it up to the cattle industry,” said Jan French, Board of Livestock member…

  • Near Record Numbers

    I see that the Bison in Yellowstone National Park (YNP) are <a href="">near record numbers</a> at almost 4700 head. Here we have all these Bison running around the park and nowhere do we hear talk about too many bison and over grazing the park. Nowhere do we hear that the Park needs to bring in…

  • Buffer Zone

    As you may or may not know, <a href="">Gov. Brian Schweitzer</a> has proposed a buffer zone around Yellowstone National Park as an answer to the Brucellosis problem in the Park. I give him credit for trying to do something about the situation but I don't really think a buffer zone is the answer.<br />n<br />nIt…