Category: US Politics
Bash Bush or Bash Beef
<a href="">This Washington Post article </a>is very interesting. All of a sudden issues of food safety are taking the front agenda of the Democratic race for the President. My question is are they bashing Bush or are they bashing beef.<br />n<br />n<i>Several Democratic candidates said they plan to make beef safety a major issue as…
Americans Have Rights
The Second Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday ruled that the President lacks inherent authority to detain American citizens as enemy combatants when seized on American soil outside a zone of actual combat. <a href="">The ruling </a>is in response to the Governments holding of Jose Padilla incommunicado as an enemy combatant for allegedly plotting to explode…
People Never Forget
Some people will just never forget how close the 2000 election was but I am not real sure this would be a good slogan to campaign with.<br />n<br />n<img src=""> <br />n<br />n<b>In religion and politics, people's beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second hand, and without examination.<br />nMark Twain (1835…
Free Trade
I see <a href="">here</a> that the whole free trade issue is coming to the front burner again in the new Central American Free Trade Agreement. The timing of it is a little off though since Congress is going to be taking it up in a election year and there is a lot of opposition to…