Category: US Politics

  • Porkers

    Both of Montana's Senators have been named <a href="http://">Porkers of the Month</a> by the group Citizens Against Government Waste.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>Once again, the Senate is causing problems with its unquenchable appetite for higher spending. This time, however, Sens. Baucus and Burns add a dangerous twist to the Senate&acirc;

  • Privilege

    I ran into town this afternoon for parent teacher conferences, she is doing wonderful as always, and took time to exercise the privilege the founding father gave us, I voted. So the Presidential, vice-presidential, governor or dog catcher candidates can spew and debate all they want. All the candidates can run all the nasty dirty…

  • Joke

    Found at <a href="">G'day Mate!</a> <br />n<br />n<i>This politician died and, upon entering heaven, met St. Peter. St. Peter said, "In the interest of fairness, we want to give you the option to stay here in heaven, or to go to hell. You can look around here for a few minutes, then go visit hell…

  • Questions

    I see in the local rag a story about the new <a href="" target="_blank">Indian Museum</a> in Washington DC. I have read quite a few stories about the new museum in the past few days and the whole thing seems like quite a triumph for Indians. I'm curious as to what there goal is though. To…

  • Planted

    Between the <a href="" target="_blank">Swift Boat Vet's</a> accusations against Kerry and now the <a href="" target="_blank">documents about Bush</a>, are they or are they not fake, I am all ready really tired of this election. <br />n<br />nThis though really tickeled my fancy.<br />n<br />n<a href="" target="_blank">Bush Guard Documents Fake; Dan Rather: 'Forged documents were planted…

  • Election

    I see that in our neighboring state of North Dakota, unless the GOP gets its act together, they won't be able to vote for Bush. It appears that <a href="">Bush hasn't qualified</a> for the ballot yet and the deadline is tomorrow. The democrats aren't doing any better though. Kerry isn't qualified either. The only candidate…

  • Twist

    Normal game of politics <a href="">here</a> (<a href="" target="_blank"></a> if needed for free registration). One candidate twists the words of another to try to make points. In a way the quote the second time around is kind of true, just twisted a either a whole lot or just a little. What is really funny, and…

  • Fairy Tales

    A young girl asked her father if all fairy tales begin with &acirc;

  • Alike

    I have always felt that Republicans and Democrats are very much alike but have never been able to find the right words to prove it. <a href="">This</a> opinion piece really shows it to be true. An example:<br />n<br />n<i>Both will forgive anything a member of their team does. Remember when conservatives thought President Clinton's dalliance…

  • Traitors

    I am totally outraged. I can't belive it. You might remember when I talked about some congressmen <a href="">requesting election observers</a> for our upcoming election. Well the UN turned them down which just made my day. Now though the administration has caved to these 13 congressmen and <a href="">requested these election observers</a>. This is nothing…