Category: The Ranch

  • First Cycle

    Today is the last day of the first cycle for the heifers and we made the 75% mark. Three-quarters of them calved out in the first cycle. <br />n<br />n<center><a href=''><img width='250' height='167' border='0' hspace='5' src='' alt='' /></a></center><br />n<br />nPretty damn good if you ask me. I am happy. Most of the last 25 are…

  • Tending Water

    Boy it got warm around here yesterday. What little snow there was on the hillside above the corral broke and overflowed my diversion ditch and was flowing down through the corral. What a mess it was making in the corral.<br />n<br />n<center><a href=''><img width='250' height='167' border='0' hspace='5' src='' alt='' /></a></center><br />n<br />nI felt like some…

  • Herd Health

    I could make a lot of comments about <a href="">this program</a> that some one has dreamed up but I won't. Suffice it to say that easiest way to deal with the problem of BVD-PI cattle, cattle that are persistently infected with Bovine Virus Diarrhoea, is watching your cattle a little more closely and culling poor…

  • The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

    Interesting series of articles in the <a href="">Gazette</a> about conservation Easements and there use and affects in Eastern Montana. <br />n<br />nThe Good:<br />n<br />n<a href="">Conservation easement preserve family's way of life</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Glasgow-area rancher Steve Page wasn't thinking about tax incentives when he negotiated a conservation easement on 24,000 acres in Valley County.<br />n<br…

  • Sharptail Grouse

    <center><a href=''><img width='640' height='427' border='0' hspace='5' src='' alt='' /></a></center><br />n<br />n<center>Sharptail grouse foraging for food during the light snow storm on Thursday. There were quite a few more in the area that I didn't get a picture of. I have never seen so many around during the winter. Maybe the coyotes will bother them and…

  • Calves Everywhere

    I don't know that I have ever had heifers calve out so fast. It's only 14 days into the first cycle and we are all ready over 60% done. At this rate we will easily make 75% of the heifers calved out in the first cycle. I throw that magical number out because all the…

  • Sue The Post Office

    <a href="">Justices Allow Postal Customers to Sue</a><br />n<br />nI saw this headline and got very excited. Maybe I could use the threat of a lawsuit to get our local Post Office to let me have my mail instead of holding it for weeks on end before finally deciding to give it to me. It really…

  • Chicken Chasing

    Yesterday I commented on the heifers chasing the chickens. Today I have a picture of a heifer running at a chicken to get it. I wish I could have gotten more but the camera takes a long time to recycle between pictures.<br />n<br />n<center><a href=''><img width='250' height='167' border='0' hspace='5' src='' alt='' /></a></center><br />n<br />nThis Momma…

  • Do Over Day

    Today was one of those once ever 3 months, do over days. Days you really wish that you could do over again. <br />n<br />nCalving went pretty good overnight but the problems started once the sun came up. I went to start the tractor so i could feed and guess what? A flat tire on…

  • Intestinal Fortitude

    So far I've been real happy with the new hired man. He works hard and pitches in whenever necessary. I like that. I have come across one thing since we started calving heifers that I don't like. If a cow turns and faces him he runs off.<br />n<br />nNow understand, when you are dealing with…