Category: The Ranch
Dry and Brown
We gathered the replacement heifers today to preg check them on Saturday. I wanted to get them in early enough so I wouldn't be rushing. I though I would have no hired hand but now I do so it could have waited but what the hell, stick with your plans. Usually I like to get…
Last Laugh
New Hired Hand
Just as I suspected, the first guy I talked to did not want the job so I offered it to the next guy. His references checked out so there was no reason not to offer it to him. I wasn't as impressed with him as with the first guy but who knows, he might surprise…
Another Interview
Moving In
I interviewed a guy yesterday for the job. He looks very promising. He has been doing this kind of work for a long time so should know what he is doing and handle it well. I am not to sure his wife was happy with the housing situation is the only thing I noticed. It's…
Well, the hired hand is gone. He told me he would leave Thursday and he did. He snuck out of here in the middle of the night. The shape he left the living quarters I don't blame him and his wife for sneaking out. Totally disgusting. My Darling Wife is not looking forward to cleaning…
Here We Go Again
Well, no surprise, the Hired Hand quit yesterday morning. I assumed after his doctor appointment on Monday he would. From my discussions with him I figured he was going to opt for surgery over medicine to fix his heart condition. They are going to crack his chest open and either fix or replace his heart…
Fire Patrol
<a href="" title="Billings Gazette">Storm ignites fires around city</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>A thunderstorm that blew through Billings on Monday night toppled trees and power lines and sparked a series of lightning-caused wildfires.<br />n<br />nOne fire, near Sacrifice Cliff, blackened 40 acres where a cluster of transmitter towers sits at a site off Coburn Road, said Mark Heppler…