Category: The Homestead
Double Meaning
I have an external hard drive sitting on my computer desk that I use for picture backups. It gets very warm and one of the cats has discovered it and loves to lay on it to keep warm. This morning I told My Darling Wife, "There's a cat laying on my hard drive." <br />n<br…
Getting Older
The family and I went to the NILE PRCA rodeo in Billings last night. As usual it was a very good event and we enjoyed it tremendously. Even the boy had fun. He thought the clowns were hilarious which is a new one for him. He couldn't stop giggling every time he looked at them…
<a href="" >It’s The Pitts: Sins Of The Cowboy</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Recently I saw an ad for a ranch manager that specifically stated, “No drinkers, team ropers or rodeo contestants need apply.” <br />n<br />nI thought such discrimination was illegal these days but I see ads like this all the time. I think some ranchers are…
Can you say happy? I definitely can. During shipping the camera I carry around with me turned up missing. I have been looking around for it and couldn't find it. I even blamed My Darling Wife for losing it. Sorry Darling, I knew better and just didn't want to admit it. I had finally quit…
Help Out
<a href="" >Pumpkin party set for children</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Scottish Rite Childhood Language Disorders Clinic is celebrating the seventh annual Pumpkins for Kids 2006 throughout October.<br />n<br />nThe fundraiser was established to help support therapy programs for children with speech and language impairments and to promote community awareness of speech and language disorders in children.<br />n<br…
Large Neighbors
The Padalock Ranch is one of my neighbors. They rank somewhere around number 5 for the largest privately held cattle ranch in the US. This little blurb in the Gazette caught my eye.<br />n<br />n<a href="" >History of Padlock Ranch topic of meeting</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Dan Scott will talk about the history of the Padlock Ranch,…
The Wasp Whisperer
We have a new one this fall around the house. Around this area in the fall the wasps all flock to the house and will fly in whenever you open the door. My boy has discovered these wasps. He finds them and insists on trying to catch them with his fingers. We react as quick…
Feeding The Wolf
I would like to thank Wulfgar for this one. I enjoyed it tremendously.<br />n<br />n<a href="" >The Wolves Inside You</a><br />n<br />n An elder Native American was teaching his grandchildren about life. He<br />n said to them, "A fight is going on inside me.. it is a terrible fight and it is<br />n between two…
At the end of last school year my boy's speech therapist moved on and left us with no one to help him. His Occupational therapist helped pick up the slack but then she moved on during the summer and left us high and dry. We are still in contact with the OT but having a…
Love Thy Neighbor