Category: The Homestead
I always like to learn something new and interesting, that's why I really like the Internet and the access it gives me to information. Sometimes the information is important and other times the information is more trivial like an item I run across today. <br />n<br />nWhat is the largest church in Alaska?<br />n<!–more–><br />n<a…
Rain from the sky helps sooth the soul,<br />nThe drops from God are ancient and old.<br />nAs I watched the rain the happiness died,<br />nWhy can't it rain more than four hours at a time?<br />n<br />nI can remeber when the rain would last,<br />nFor days it fell and made mud fast.<br />nNo more this…
I noticed the beautiful full moon this morning and I grabbed my camera to take a picture of it to share. I was not overly happy with the way it turned out so I wasn't planning on posting it until Kalamity <a href="">challegened</a> Monatana bloggers to share thier pictures so I decided to share it.…
I was visiting with my well-seasoned mom last night and when she asked me about my back I realized I haven't mentioned my progress lately. The steroidal injection fixed me up real good, working away and happy about it. All the pain is gone but I am still have a little numbness in my foot…
Just an update. The anti-inflammatory prescription the doctor has me to reduce some of the swelling has reduced the pain enough I can actually sit and look at the computer without being in extreme pain. Hopefully the shot today will finish getting rid of the numbness and the rest of the pain. It worked well…
I have been battling my back for a little while now and this weekend I really injured it bad. Pinched nerves, ruptured disk. It is really weird, my leg is so numb that it is like walking on a wooden stump but at the same time get tremendous shooting pains down my leg that double…
I found out a couple of things today and I am putting them here to remind myself in the future of these little hints.<br />n<br />n1. When you get a vehicle that is "new to you" make sure you can get the jack out of its stowage position with out an hours worth of interior…
I caught <a href="">this story</a> over at <a href="">J-Walk Blog</a> and don't get me wrong it is really neat, but it more reminds me of one of my favorite movies. Now you have to remember the movies I like are movies that show how people can overcome adversity in an inspirational way and this movie…
<a href="">Cats</a> And <a href="">dogs</a><br />nthe stories are,<br />na joy to read<br />nand sorrow along.<br />n<br />nThe cat who ran<br />nand caused such havoc,<br />nwhile master asleep<br />nit went on a rampage.<br />n<br />nThe people who claim<br />nthat dogs are better,<br />nare creating their own havoc<br />nwith dog loving critters.<br />n<br />nThe stories are true<br…
Yesterday was one of those days that I was going all day with no pause. The bad thing was I didn't get to see my Darling Wife much on <a href="">her day</a>. It isn't unusual for some reason to not be around much on her birthday but it still bothers me.<br />n<br />nI left the…