Category: The Homestead
Stupid Post Office
Do you know what I hate more than going to the dentist? ( I am not fond of the dentist.) Dealing with our post office. Today when I went to get the mail we had a notice that we have to reapply for the PO Box. My FIL has had that PO Box since before…
Tender Feelings
I noticed recently that I am getting very few comments on this blog anymore. I was persuing my site statistics trying to figure it out and have discovered that I am getting 90% fewer hits after my <a href="" target="_new">Valentines Day post</a>. Boy, some people have real tender feelings about Valentines Day and definitly don't…
I read the story about the <a href="" target="_new">sailor performing surgery</a> with great interest. Most stories about Submarines catch my eye since I proudly served in the Silent Service and enjoy keeping up on it. This story hit a little closer to home though. <br />n<br />nWhile the guy that did the surgery deserves his…
Cat Blogging
There's this thing around called Friday Cat Blogging so I thought I would join in with some pictures of the cats on the place.<br />n<br />n<div class="serendipity_imageComment_left" style="width: 99px"><div class="serendipity_imageComment_img"><a href='' target='_new'><img width='99' height='110' border='0' hspace='5' align='left' src='' alt='' /></a></div><div class="serendipity_imageComment_txt">One of My Darling Wife's housecats.</div></div><div class="serendipity_imageComment_right" style="width: 95px"><div class="serendipity_imageComment_img"><a href='' target='_new'><img width='95' height='110' border='0'…
Just for everyones benefit I just posted the following as a comment to my <a href="" targtet="_new">Chocalate</a> post. I wanted to share it whith everyone that is not following the comments on the post.<br />n<br />nWhile I found the whole article about chocolate interesting I thought after the whole Flame, from certain people, yesterday about…
Fake Holidays
There are certain days of the year that really disturb me because they are made up holidays with little or no use in real life but somehow were supposed to act like they are important. Yes, you guessed it, Valentines day is one of these made up holidays that I despise.<br />n<br />nI swear the…
I have had one of my revelations. I've finally figured it out. The Good Book tells us; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as yourself. I've tried to live my life that way and feel I have mostly been successful. Sometimes it is really hard to do this when one of your neighbors just hates you…
Spammer Notice
You will notice that on the left I have a new category called notice that I link an <a href="" target="_new">Agreement</a> charging spammers for their comment spam. The idea was inspired by <a href="" target="_new">this post at Alphecca</a> and the idea is to charge comment spammers for the advertising they try to do on weblogs.…
It always seems like there are exceptions to rules. The one that comes to mind is i after e except before c. I know stupid language rule that isn't even complete but it illustrates my point. I read an interesting article yesterday that made me think of this. <a href="" target="_new">Fidgeting Helps Separate the Lean…
Homeschool Alert
<blockquote>Senate Bill 291 introduced by Senator Don Ryan (D-SD 22) represents the greatest threat to homeschool freedom ever in Montana! <br />n<br />nSenate Bill 291 would make the following restrictive changes in the law:<br />n<br />n<strong> Require that parents be (a) licensed to teach in Montana, (b) hold a bachelor's degree, or (c) have a…