Category: The Homestead
Just Deserts
Yesterday while preg checking the replacement heifers my oldest daughter made a great observation. While fighting with a particularly recalcitrant heifer she said, "Now I know why we eat you." How many cattlemen have you seen that are vegetarian? Most all of them love beef. It is kind of just deserts or revenge for having…
I Know
Yea, I Know. I haven't been around much lately. I don't know what to say. After about 5 years I just lost the impulse to say anything. Once I didn't for a few days there was nbo pressure on me to do it again. Am I going to promise to do better? I don't think…
I know I haven't posted for a bit and I am sorry. The boy had a medical condition come up that removed my eye from the ball and caused a personal medical condition for me. Don't worry, all will be all right, just not much time for the computer right now. Hell, I am not…
Which Is Better
I have a question that cropped up today in my life that I wanted to posit here. I asked My Darling Wife, which is better, do die quickly and unexpectedly after living a full life or having something that is slow, so that people can get used to the idea they are dying and mentally…
My Kingdom
What's the saying, My kingdom for a horse. I decided yesterday I should modify it to, My kingdom for someone who can ride a horse as good as they think they can.
Dry, Dusty
Something I always have tried to do is look at the positive side of things. No matter how bad it is, I try to see the good. I'm beyond seeing the good anymore. It's so dry here and so many storms have missed us that I don't know what to do. The last storm went…
I know this is very unlike me but I just can't help it. My Darling Wife and I were in Billings the other day and tried out a new eating establishment in the city. <a href="">The Staggering Ox</a>. It serves what they define as sandwiches. I really hate to say this but it was the…
If I had the opportunity to sleep, I would dream of getting a good nights sleep. I don't know how much longer I can survive on less than 4 hours of sleep a night. I wish these heifers would finish calving.
I’m Getting Fed Up
I used to think better of people who lived in Montana but Over the past years my opinion has really gone down hill. The covert hostility you get when you have the gall to marry somebody who isn't lily white from friends and family and the general public is unbelievable. It is really making me…
<strong>A man needs a wife. There's lots of things you can't blame on the Government. Jed Clampett</strong><br />n<br />n<strong>It would be really nice to be a cow or horse or any other critter on your place, but it's hell being a piece of equipment. Damn you treat your pickup rough.</strong> My Hired Hand