Category: The Homestead

  • Problems

    My sister got a new weed eater and is having problems with it. It is a model I have no familiarity with so maybe somebody around here can answer the question. It is some problem with the fuel and water. <a class="block_level" href="">Continue reading "Problems"</a>

  • Buddy

    My Darling wife's new buddy Speedy. <a class="block_level" href="">Continue reading "Buddy"</a>

  • Cute Couple

    <center><img width='256' height='344' border='0' hspace='5' src='' alt='' /></center><br />n<br />n<blockquote>A pair of rare dwarf Brahman cattle, Thong Khaow, left, and Thong Kham, right, are married in a traditional Thai ceremony featuring processions and a banquet for more than 2,000 human guests at a cattle market in central Sa Kaew province on Sunday, July 10, 2005.…

  • Happy Anniversary!

    <font size=4><font color=FF1493 >Happy Anniverary, Hon! </font size=4></font color=FF1493 ><br />n<br />nI love you and and hope we have many. many more happy years together!!!!!!!<br />n<br />

  • Things Change

    I said yesterday I was going to hay,=. Well it turned out I didn't, things change. I went out yesterday morning and found out the kids horse I have around the house here had been hurt at some point and was really limping from a cut. So after I got the hired man cutting hay…

  • Family

    <font color=#ffffff>By sheer chance I discovered there was a wedding in the family yesterday and I wasn't invited. Now with what part of the family it was, I wouldn't have gone even if invited but why was it kept such a secret from me? My sister earlier this week told me she had a "wedding…

  • Energy Crisis

    The true energy crisis in the US?<br />n<br />nMy 3 kids have too much energy and the two parents have to little energy.<br />n<br />n<b>Truth and kindness in sweet embrace,<br />nRighteousness and peace are God's grace;<br />nFor truth out of the earth does spring,<br />nAnd righteousness from heaven ring.<br />n<br />nFaye T. Bresler</b>

  • Fireworks

    <img src=""><br />n<br />nHope everyone enjoyed thier festivites, I did.<br />n<br />n<b>Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again. Henri Cartier-Bresson </b>

  • End of a Carrer

    Retirements abound. I mentioned the other day that my <a href="">step father retired</a> and now I read in the paper that a couple of great athletes are retiring and they will be sorely missed from the sport. These guys give their all every time they compete and are definitely at the top of their sport…

  • Retirement

    My Well Seasoned Mom's Husband retired the other day and this is his comment on it.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>Today was my last day at work, the first time in my life being unemployed.</blockquote><br />n<br />nSo, do you think not working might be bothering him a little? I sure do. I understand his opinion, I'm sure I…