Category: The Homestead

  • Tears

    I got a few tears in my eyes last night when the kids were going to bed. The boy always comes and gives me a hug, kisses me, and signs love you at bedtime. Last night he hugged me, <b>said night, night daddy</b>, and then signed love you. I had a few tears in my…

  • Seeing the World Differently

    <a href="">Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo</a> definitely leaves a person with a different view of things. It makes it really hard to focus and concentrate. Benign is one term I wouldn't use for it though. It really affects me.<br />n<br />n<b>And one of his partners asked "Has he vertigo?" and the other glanced out and down…

  • Good News

    You might remember that this spring I mentioned my son's speech therapist <a href="">was leaving</a> and I had no idea whether he would be able to get services in another year. Well, he will. <br />n<br />nThe remaining therapist at Scottish Rite Speech and Language Disorder Clinic had visited with us and indicated she was…

  • I Can’t Imagine

    I thought having one autistic child was hard enough, I can't imagine <a href="">having 5 of 6 kids</a> being autistic. Just the one takes up a lot of My Darling Wife's time so I can't imagine how she would cope with more. I work enough that she shoulders the load with the kids so any…

  • Ugg!

    Summer cold bad stuff. My kids had it earlier and I thought it missed me. Wrong, I feel like hell. No rest for the wicked though, much to do today. If I felt like it I would comment on <a href="">this</a> story or <a href="">this</a> story but I'm totally wiped out. <br />n<br />nLater.<br />n<br…

  • Walking

    <a href=''><img width='220' height='109' border='0' hspace='5' align='left' src='' alt='' /></a>My Darling Wife takes the boy on a mile and a half to two mile walk at least 5 days a week. It helps to keep him in shape and active. Lately he has taken to climbing the hills and jumping on the rocks during the…

  • I Have An Out

    My Darling wife always gets annoyed with me because I don't hear her. She has even made me get my hearing tested to see if I had a problem of some kind, I didn't. The doctor said some people just have a hard time hearing certain sounds and that must be my problem.<br />n<br />nI…

  • Interesting Thought

    <b>In America, it is indispensable that every well wisher of true liberty should understand that acts of tyranny can only proceed from the public. The public, then, is to be watched, in this country, as, in other countries kings and aristocrats are to be watched. James Fenimore Cooper</b>

  • The Weather Service

    The past 3 days the Weather Service has called for high temperatures to be 94 to 99 and not once has it broke 85 here. Yesterday it barely made it to 80. Today again it is supposed to be 99. Do I believe them or do I assume it will be 10 degrees cooler like…

  • Guess That Movie

    My boy was watching a movie yesterday when I heard my all time favorite line I've ever heard in a movie. It goes something like this.<br />n<br />nAs you hear a chainsaw starting up the main character says, "Oh, …it's okay, …my dog just found the chainsaw."<br />n<br />nThe line kills me every time I…