Category: The Homestead

  • Happenings

    Just some odds and ends. I heard from the new hired hand last night. So far he still plans on coming, should be here the morning of the 30th. Having another set of hands around will be nice, if they are capable, I'll find out.<br />n<br />nI've been busy talking with the accountant for over…

  • A Thought

    You can't spell<br />n<br />n<font size=6>DUMB</font size=6><br />n<br />nwithout<br />n<br />n<font size=6>UM</font size=6>.<br />n<br />n<br />n<font size=4>GO BOBCATS!!!!</font size=4><br />n<br />n<br />n<br />n<br />n<br />n<font size=1>p.s. For anybody wondering it's an inside Montana joke. I mean UM of course. <img src="" alt=":-)" class="emoticon" /></font size=1>

  • Couldn’t Resist

    I couldn't resist this quote from <a href="">Tony</a> today.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>But I did learn something…if a guitar doesnt want to be repaired, dont try sneaking up on it and forcing it to go under the knife…it wont be happy in a Zen way. It burned for 45 minutes in the woodstove….</blockquote><br />n<br />nI've had experiences…

  • Thoughts

    You know, I had always heard the jokes about the differences between cats and dogs. Being a cat lover I always found them funny because being owned by a cat is an experience. But since Lucky came into my life a lot of them make a lot more sense. The one that really comes to…

  • Lucky

    This morning while I was walking Lucky, in the rain. I am sure I made quite the sight. All bundled up and wearing Sam's work hat so I didn't get wet. As we were walking around I was wondering to myself why I picked up this dog. I HATE dogs. I was chased by a…

  • Information

    I have shut down all comments on the blog. I am sorry to do this but things are getting out of hand. I have no control over something that happened over 20 years ago between my sister and my father. Then to start to attack my wife is going over the edge. My wife and…

  • Troubles

    Guess what happens when you insert a new video card in your computer without paying attention to the size of the power supply in the computer?<br />n<br />nThat's right boys and girls, you fry your power supply. Hopefully nothing else was harmed in the mishap. I will know when I get the new power supply.<br…

  • Sucker Update

    <img src=""><br />n<br />nThere he is, wounds and all. After I finally got to look at him in daylight I found out he was male and was in worse shape than I thought. The vet saw him this afternoon and says he is about 8 month old Australian Shepard. He has a raging hotpoint infection…

  • Sucker

    Can you say sucker? I can, I think that's what I should call My Darling Wife from now on. <br />n<br />nYesterday my oldest had an Orthodontist appointment late and when they were coming home they found somebody had dumped a young dog on our driveway here in the middle of nowhere. So what did…

  • The Wrong Path

    I got to thinking about my entry yesterday where I said, "Your, I didn't vote for him, [sarcasm] Esteemed Junior Senator[/sarcasm] Conrad Burns gave a presentation" and to tell you the truth nobody in Washington that I can vote for, did I vote for. In fact the more I got to thinking about it the…