Category: The Dispatcher

  • Inspiring Confidence

    <a href="">The Dispatcher</a> had a conversation the other day during the fire that I wanted to share with you. She was calling BIA fire control when she had the conversation.<br />n<br />nPhone ringing and is then picked up, voice on other end: Uhhhh?<br />n<br />nTD (The Dispatcher): Hello?<br />n<br />nVoice: Uhhh?<br />n<br />nTD: Is this…

  • Yet Again

    I'm tired, that's for sure. Last night the weather forecasters said there was going to be a frontal passage that would bring 40 MPH winds and with the hot temperatures and low humidity gave us a red flag warning in the area. Then to top it off they said there was a chance of dry…