Category: Out Of This World
I must be losing all sense of right and wrong. <br />n<br />n<blockquote>The widow of a deputy sheriff who fell from a motel balcony after a night of drinking at a law enforcement conference is entitled to receive worker compensation death benefits</blockquote><br />n<br />nSo, a <a href="" target="_new">law enforcment officer</a>, while partying after the confrences…
I've talked about this before, and I'm sure I will again, but why, if ethenol is such a wonderful thing, does it take <a href="" target="_blank">government intervention</a> to make it work. If it is cost effective to add ethanol to gas it shouldn't take laws to make it happen. The free market would provide the…
It's always interesting to see what is coming out of the Montana Stockgrowers convention. They at times have some of the strangest proposals for cattle producers but the one I read about in the paper today takes the cake. <a title="Landowners discuss pros, cons of outsiders buying Montana property" href="" target="_blank">"Keeping Montana Montana"</a> was a…
<blockquote>The 14- and 16-year-old boys were bouncing the golf ball in a shopping center parking lot Sunday afternoon when it went astray and struck the SUV driven by 47-year-old Kathy Feaganes Allen, sheriff's Deputy Greg Suchy said. <br />n<br />nNo damage was done, and the boys apologized and began to walk away, Suchy said. Allen…
Blue Screen of Death
Computer upgrade causes <a title="Major I.T. Crash Hits UK Government Department" href="" target="_blank">40,000 computers</a> to crash. My hired man would say that this just shows how evil computers are. I disagree, they are not evil, they just do what there told and crashes sometimes occur especially when using Microsoft products. The whole thought of 40.000…
<a title="Scientists propose conservation parks on Mars" href="" target="_blank">Conservation parks on Mars</a>. Sounds a little bit like they are putting the cart before the horse to me.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>Next time you go for a stroll on Mars, be sure you don't leave any litter behind. A plan to keep parts of the red planet in…
Drunken, man killing <a href="" target="_blank">elephants</a>. I know its a serious story but the thought of wild elephants consuming rice beer and going on a drunken rampage makes me laugh. A sight that would be interesting to see from a long, long ways away.<br />n<br />n<b>Women are like elephants. I like to look at 'em,…
Blood Moon
If it's not cloudy tommorow night <a href="" target="_blank">this looks like it will be a treat</a>.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>On Wednesday night, Oct. 27th, North Americans can see a total eclipse of the moon. According to folklore, October's full moon is called the ''Hunter's Moon'' or sometimes the ''Blood Moon.'' It gets its name from hunters who…
I am glad <a href="" target="_blank">this teacher</a> isn't around here.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>After Amica (parent) wrestled the bag away, police say Rucker (teacher) picked up a chair and hit her in the back, knocking Amica to the floor. Rucker then began punching Amica in the face and body. <br />n<br />nDuring the fight, the girl was…
<a href="" target="_blank">Improper use of firearms</a> yet again. I wonder if their is a hunting season on mice. I am sure their are better alternatives than a gun. I don't know, a cat, maybe a trap, but a handgun is a little overkill but their is all kinds of idiots in the world and a…