Category: Montana Politics

  • Election Results

    There are all kinds of election results in the <a href="">Billings Gazette</a> this morning so I won't link to them all. Suffice it to say my streak holds firm. I am still voting on the opposite side of the majority of the citizens in the state and county and nobody, or ballot issue, I voted…

  • Energy Crisis

    I'm tired. I don't know if it is everything catching up with me or what the deal is but I'm tired. I could talk about the <a href="">Primary election coming up</a>, in which I all ready voted, but I'm too tired to. I could talk about the <a href="">disingenuous way</a> in which petition gatherers are…

  • Voting

    <a href="">Absentee ballots pour into election office"</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>An old election quip encourages the electorate "to vote early and often." Nowadays the first half of the maxim is legal and popular as a record number of voters cast their ballots before election day.<br />n<br />n"It is a growing trend," said Duane Winslow, Yellowstone County election…

  • Grab For That Federal Money

    <a href="">Counties, cities seek wind bonds</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>More than 30 Montana cities and counties filed applications Wednesday for interest-free federal financing for wind energy projects, with Yellowstone and Cascade county commissioners coming to Washington to submit theirs and to lobby on rural issues.</blockquote><br />n<br />nGrab for those interest free financing whether you have the capability…

  • Disgusting

    <a href="">Burns May Be Bouncing Back</a> (Washigton Post story free registration required)<br />n<br />n<blockquote>Polls here suggest that Burns, 71, a three-term incumbent who has been targeted by the Democrats as one of the most beatable Republicans in the Senate, may be bouncing back from the pounding he took late last year after the publication of…

  • Elitism

    <a href="">Burns fundraiser to be held in Napa Valley</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Donors to Montana Sen. Conrad Burns will toast the Republican on a Napa Valley, Calif., wine tour this summer.<br />n<br />nThe July 15 fundraiser, scheduled a month after the Republican primary, is charging political action committees $3,000 and individuals $2,000 to attend.</blockquote><br />n<br />nWe wouldn't…

  • Teaching The Children

    I really don't have any comment about <a href="">this</a> story but it talks about a couple of things that I wanted to share. Meth and the Office of Public Instruction (OPI) headed by Linda McCulloch.<br />n<br />nMy oldest, who is in public school, is right now in the OPI mandated meth instruction part of her…

  • Yea, and What Good Is This

    <a href="">PPL exec endorses governor's coal-to-liquid idea</a><br />n<br />nSo, he endorses the idea. Is the company willing to pony up any money or improvements or development to this project or are they just sucking up to the Governor in an effort to keep the State from taking their dams away from them, since there is…

  • Is There Something Here?

    I normally comment more on Montana politics than National but so far I haven't talked about the <a href="">Morrison mess</a> that recently flared up in the Democrat camp. I read the story and didn't comment on it because it really looked like much to do about nothing to me. He had an affair, admittedly a…

  • Pull Out

    I have been watching the whole Burns/Abramoff situation and have not been surprised by any of it. The <a href="">newest information</a> coming out on the case leads me to think only one thing. Burns needs to pull out of his re-re-election campaign and let some candidate that doesn't have such a stain on him run…