Category: MCA

  • No Split State

    I see the Board of Livestock has decided <a href="">against split state status</a> for Brucellosis here in Montana. The Governor decided to let the ranching community decide and they let their feelings be known to the Board of Livestock yesterday.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>After hours of rancorous debate punctuated by yelling and boos from the audience, the…

  • Split State Concern

    <a href="">Ranchers voice concerns over proposed split-state status</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Montana cattlemen have a choice to make – to pursue a split-state status in the case of another brucellosis outbreak around the Yellow-stone National Park – or not.<br />n<br />n“The governor is leaving it up to the cattle industry,” said Jan French, Board of Livestock member…

  • Politics

    Matt over at Left in the West <a href="">asks a question</a> of the Montana farm and ranch community about some editorials that are running around. Since i can't comment at Left in the West i would leave my thoughts here.<br />n<br />nFirst we have Rep. Kendall Van Dyk giving us his opinoin that <a href="">the…

  • USDA Pulls Plan

    <a href="">Cattle groups pleased with halt of import plan</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Officials with leading cattle industry groups in the state said they were pleased with the federal government's plan to halt, for now, an effort to expand cattle and beef trade with Canada because of mad cow disease. A leader of one of those groups, however,…

  • This Explains Things

    The Montana Stockgrowers, a branch of the National Cattlmans Beef Association (<acronym title="National Cattlemans Beef Association, shills for the big meat packers">NCBA</acronym>) which is lead by the meat packers and big feeders and not the cattle prodsucers, keeps wondering why they are losing members. Look at <a href="">this list of issues</a> the Montana Cattlemans Association,…