Category: Little Photograph

  • Mountains

    <a class='serendipity_image_link' href=''><!– s9ymdb:107 –><img width="250" height="188" style="float: left; border: 0px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px;" src="" alt="" /></a>My youngest daughter snapped this recently on a trip across the Big Horn Mountains. This is coming up the Shell Canyon side of the Mountains out of Greybull, Wy. Someday I really need to take the time and…

  • View

    <center><a class='serendipity_image_link' href=''><img width="640" height="427" style="border: 0px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px;" src="" alt="" /></a></center><br />n<br />n<center>The view out the front of my house. Truth be told I don't know who took this picture. I just found it on the camera. I think it was my youngest daughter. She likes taking pictures. Taken 10/24/2007.</center>

  • Chickens

    <center><a class='serendipity_image_link' href=''><img width='640' height='427' style="border: 0px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px;" src="" alt="" /></a></center><br />n<br />n<center>A picture my youngest daughter took the other day of the chickens. I always like to show off her pictures when she deigns to take some. Taken 1/3/2007.</center>

  • Nylon

    <center><a class='serendipity_image_link' href=''><img width='640' height='480' style="border: 0px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px;" src="" alt="" /></a></center><br />n<br />n<center>My youngest daughter took this picture of Nylon the other day and I just loved it. The way she framed it and with Nylon looking back, I was really impressed. Taken 1/3/2007 by my Youngest daughter.</center>

  • Busy Bee

    <img width='700' height='598' border='0' hspace='5' src='' alt='' /><br />n<br />nI usually post pictures taken by myself or occasionally My Darling Wife but this time I post a picture taken by My Little Photographer. My youngest girl has quite an eye for taking pictures and she gets some interesting ones at time. Different than I would…