Category: Gov. Schweitzer

  • Tax Breaks

    <a href="" >Governor details range of clean-energy tax breaks</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote><a href="">Gov. Brian Schweitzer</a> wants property tax breaks as big as 75 percent for "clean and green" energy development and transmission, part of his effort to develop energy resources in the state.<br />n<br />nSchweitzer unveiled details on the tax breaks Wednesday, which he hinted at…

  • Status Quo

    <a href="" >Governor, developers split on bill</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>If Montana is going to develop more of its wind, coal, oil and gas, it will need ways to move energy products beyond its borders, and a new state board or authority can help encourage new power lines and pipelines, supporters of the idea said Monday.<br />n<br…

  • Wishing

    <a href="" >Schweitzer: Budget plan works</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote><a href="">Gov. Brian Schweitzer</a> said he thinks his budget proposals, which include double-digit spending increases, are sustainable for future years, contrary to warnings in a new legislative analysis.<br />n<br />nSchweitzer said much of the spending is "one-time" for such things as repairing buildings and fixing a troubled state…

  • More News On Walter Schweitzer

    There was an article awhile ago on Walter Schweitzer and the role he played in state government which I <a href="">talked about</a>. It was in a small paper and I have been waiting for the larger media to pick up on the story and see where it goes from there. I finally see the larger…

  • Which Road Will They Take

    It's been decided finally. <a href="">Republicans have gained control</a> of the Montana House after the Laurel recount. So which road will they take? Will they hold true to traditional Republican values of less government and lower taxes or will they just try to outspend the Democrats in an all out bid to win the elections…

  • Revisionist History

    Don't you just love when people change the sequence of events in history to make their cause look so wonderful? Since <a href="">Left in The West</a> doesn't allow comments anymore unless registered, I guess they can't stand to hear dissent, I will have to dispute <a href="">this piece</a> here.<br />n<br />nBasically the story is about…

  • Access Restrictions

    I've heard rumors for quite a while now that to approach the Governor of our fair state, Brian Schweitzer, it is necessary to go through his brother. I never heard the name of this brother but I have heard that it is necessary to be very careful what you say because if he takes exception…

  • I Will Say it Again

    The question I posed over a year ago is still not answered, what makes Gov Schweitzer and his sycophants ever believe the environmental groups are going to allow coal production of any kind in the state of Montana?<br />n<br />n<a href="" >Question As Yet Unanswered</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Every time I read a story about <a href="">Gov.…

  • Poison

  • King?

    Some body really thinks highly of themselves now don't they.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>As if that wasn't enough, Schweitzer took off his trademark bolo tie and hung it around Sexton's neck, saying the governor's string tie was the closest thing Montana has to bestowing knighthood on a citizen for a job well done.</blockquote><br />n<br />nEverybody out there…