Category: Cattle

  • Real Life

    There are things in the world that are the way they are whether we like it or not and then there is the way it is supposed to work but most of the time they don't. Our criminal justice system is one of these things. It seems to me it has went from warehousing criminals…

  • Gourmet Food

    You might not want to read this before you eat <a href=";jsessionid=M22NQ5KKGEE4ICRBAEKSFEY?type=oddlyEnoughNews&storyID=4384512">Rats on Menu as Bird Flu Leaves Fowl Aftertaste</a>. <br />n<br />n<i>"I've got a constant stream of customers," Van Vath, a rat butcher in the western Cambodian town of Battambang, told Wednesday's edition of Cambodge Soir.</i><br />n<br />nA rat butcher, this is more than…

  • Winning

    One of the goals of terrorism is to make people so scared they can't function normally. Well according to <a href=",6903,1148476,00.html">this article</a> they might be accomplishing there goal. Now maybe my thought process on this subject is wrong, but isn't the unprecedented amount of money spent on security meant to protect the athletes from this…

  • Steaks

    This whole Kobe beef thing and the price they get for the beef is unbelivable. Now there is a herd of <a href="">Wagu cattle in Texas</a> and the owner is selling this specialty beef. I have never tasted this beef but I just can't belive their is anything that secial about it to bring $55…

  • Cow Pix

    Well I promised a few pictures of the cows. I will not be responsible for quality or the HTML page. It is my first try for both. Didn't have a program for the HTML page so I just winged it with a text editor. <a href="">Here</a> they are.<br />n<br />n<b>One ought, every day at least,…

  • Cattle Rustling

    <a href="//">This</a> is a real good article on cattle rustling and new high tech ways of dealing with it. Many people might not realize it but this is still a big problem in cattle country. Most of the time it is one or two critters but other times it can be a lot. The Padlock…

  • Short News

    <a href="">This little news item</a> comes to me from the <u>Short</u> News. My wife would never have to defend me from such charges but if she did I sure wish she would come up with a better defense than this one, true or not. The full story is <a href="">here.</a><br />n<br />n<br />n<b>Humor is the…

  • Bus Drivers

    Some people show an appaling lack of responsibility in their actions. Take <a href="">this example</a> of a bus driver hitting a child and then driving away. He checks on her, then gets back on the bus and leaves her bleeding in the street. What was he thinking? If you read the article the real shocking…

  • Suprise, Suprise

    They are surprised at <a href="">these findings?</a> Whether it's urban, suburban, or rural, if people look at their high school years realistically and not through rose colored glasses, knew this. Even if you never took part in any of the activities, it was always well known who had drugs, where to get the booze, and…

  • Weapons

    I'm not to sure about this. I think they ought to look a little harder for <a href="">these canons.</a> Some fringe, whacko Montanans might have them and are going to use them as Weapons of Mass Distraction (oops, Destruction). They say that this is not a matter of Homeland Security but I kind of doubt…