Category: Agriculture
It's always interesting to see what is coming out of the Montana Stockgrowers convention. They at times have some of the strangest proposals for cattle producers but the one I read about in the paper today takes the cake. <a title="Landowners discuss pros, cons of outsiders buying Montana property" href="" target="_blank">"Keeping Montana Montana"</a> was a…
Sad Statement
I read a couple of different stories this morning that piqued my interest and really made me wonder. Neither story was worth thinking about on its own but together really made me wonder about mankind's motivations. The first story deals with <a title="Mistrust hampers Afghan opium battle" href="" target="_blank">opium production</a> in Afghanistan and the other…
Not that anything is final yet but Interior Department biologists recommending against listing the Sage Grouse as endangered is a small sigh of relief. I always worry when people are trying to get a animal listed that might affect my ranch. <br />n<br />nI will neither confirm nor deny the presence of any proposed or…
<blockquote>"For the life of me, I cannot understand why the terrorists have not attacked our food supply because it is so easy to do," Thompson said as announced his departure.</blockquote><br />n<br />nMaybe <a title="Thompson leaves with terrorism warning" href="" target="_blank">Tommy Thonpson</a> feels he is warning the American public of a problem. It looks to me…
<a href="" target="_blank">Vaccines that don't need to be refrigerated</a>. What a wonderful concept. I ran across <a href="" target="_blank">this story</a> at Liz's place, <a href="" target="_blank">I Speak of Dreams</a>, and it really piqued my interest. The advantages of it to vaccinate people across the world are amazing. Personally I file it under agriculture. The advantages…
People want to live "in the country" but don't want to put up with the <a href="" target="_blank">things that go along with country life</a>. Thier answer, make the farmers change the way they do things. Yea, makes a lot of sense. Drive them out of buisness for your convienience. America doesn't need to grow food,…
There was two stories today in the Gazette that are related in a very bizzare way and made me giggle.<br />n<br />n<a href="">Cowboy cuts costs by using work dogs </a><br />n<br />nNow I will admit a good stock dog makes working cattle a whole lot easier and it would be nice to have one. The…
Putting your <a href="" target="_blank">cows up for adoption</a>. I found this over at <a href="" target="_blank">Midwest Bloggin</a> and thank Renee for it. <br />n<br />nWhat a wonderful concept. I think this is a wonderful idea. I would probably charge a little more for yearly upkeep but each to his own. It really sounds like the…
<a href="" target="_blank">This article</a> sure will open your eyes about agricultural subsidies in the state of Montana.<br />n<br />n<i>Fifty percent of the net income in 2003 in Montana was from government subsidies</i><br />n<br />nI am not here to argue the merit to government subsidies for farmers. I personally quit wheat farming a number of years…
A <a href="">smart decision</a> by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is making me wonder if somebody over there has recently rented a brain. It wasn't exactly rocket science to see the black-tailed prairie dog was not an endangered species. Anybody who has had any experience with them knows that if not checked they breed…