Defective? I Think Not

<b>Early to bed and early to rise, Makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. Benjamin Franklin</b><br />n<br />nI have always felt these were good words to live by since I have always been attuned to getting up early in the morning and going to bed early in the evening. Now some scientists have the gall to say I am not normal.<br />n<br />n<a href="" target="_new">Early birds get the defective gene and struggle to cope, scientists find</a><br />n<br />nFamilial Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome is what they call it. It can "reduce the ability to keep a job or function normally in society." Now I've been this way my whole life and I have never found any trouble keeping a job or functioning normally in society. I will admit it is sometimes hard for people living with me when I am up at 5:00 a.m. cleaning house and doing laundry, prior to coming back to the ranch, but we always seemed to make it work. It usually worked by them leaving, but it worked.<br />n<br />nNow that I say that it might explain the trouble I had with room mates. We always got along fairly well but they always wanted to move out after a while. It's nice to understand these things.<br />n<br />nNow working on the ranch it's great. Get up early and get going in the morning and get the job done. When working with cattle that is the best way to do it. By afternoon they are full and don't want to move but if you are out at daylight they are just waking up and getting going. <br />n<br />nI do have to take exception with the scientists when they say I have a "defective gene." I have always maintained I am normal and it is the rest of the world that is a little strange. Prove me wrong. Just because I am in the minority doesn't mean I am defective. Everybody else could be the mutant. Only God knows the answer to that, but I know what I think.<br />n<br />n<b>Franklin said once in one of his inspired flights of malignity-<br />nEarly to bed and early to rise<br />n Make a man healthy and wealth and wise.<br />nAs if it were any object to a boy to be healthy and wealthy and wise on such terms.<br />n<br />nMark Twain</b>



