Stupid Post Office

Do you know what I hate more than going to the dentist? ( I am not fond of the dentist.) Dealing with our post office. Today when I went to get the mail we had a notice that we have to reapply for the PO Box. My FIL has had that PO Box since before Sam was born. He is going to pitch a fit! Anyway while I was waiting and waiting for my package. I read what all we have to do to apply for the PO Box. I will talk about that later. I read that we have to have 2 forms of ID. <I>and </i> a physical address. What we use for a physical address is not going to work. When I asked about what could be used as two forms of ID I was told that if I would take the time to read the info given I would find it. Well, excuse the hell out of me I didn't realize that answering a question was such a hardship. God forbid we help the customers. I was livid.<br />n<br />nSo when I get home I start reading what could be used for ID, Driver Licence and voter ID card. Are 2 of a list of many things we could use. But guess what? These item have to have your physical address on them. Ours don't. They list our PO Box. So therefore I guess we are a nonperson and DO NOT deserve a PO Box. Never mind the fact that we have a PO Box is because we can't have mail delivery at home. I guess that doesn't matter. Also a birth certicate isn't a form of ID that can be used but every form of ID that they do take relies on you birth certificate to get it. I am NOT looking forward to dealing with the idiots to try to make these points. The new postmistress seem to think that there is no way to do things but what her little instruction book says. To heck with common sense.<br />n <a class="block_level" href="">Continue reading "Stupid Post Office"</a>



