The other day I chastised Sen Burns for his dedication to <a href="" target="_new">helping the poor</a>, namely himself, by securing federal funding. I now read this morning a story I seemed to have missed. Sen Baucus going out and <a href="" target="_new">shaking down</a> a gathering of 50 lobbyists in Washington D.C. How disgraceful. When asked about the shakedown a spokesman for the Senator said, "It's all legal." It might be legal but it sure ain't right. <br />n<br />nWhile I don't have much respect for either of our Senators this drives what little I had out the window. If my kids acted this way I would paddle them. A sad day for Montana and something to remember when elections roll around.<br />n<br />n<b>Politics are such a torment that I would advise every one I love not to mix with them. Thomas Jefferson</b>