About every Legislative session here in Montana we hear the call for an <a href="http://www.billingsgazette.com//index.php?id=1&display=rednews/2005/02/19/build/state/43-earlyprimary.inc" target="_new">earlier Presidential Primary</a> to garner attention from Presidential candidates instead of being a fly-over state. I'm just curious , why would we want to do this? They don't listen to us anyway.<br />n<br />nTake for example our current Commander in Chief President Bush, please take him somewhere. After winning an election, that mostly rural states like Montana won for him, what does he do? Slashes many <a href="http://www.billingsgazette.com/index.php?display=rednews/2005/02/08/build/state/30-bush-budget.inc" target="_new">budget items</a> that affect mostly rural states like ours. This really shows how much the candidates really care about rural concerns, they don't.<br />n<br />nMy other question is who is going to foot the costs of having an earlier Presidential Primary? We are still going to have a regular primary for the rest of the offices in June like always so instead of paying for one primary election in a season we will have to pay for two. Where does this money come from? From the Presidential candidates or our own taxpayer pockets? Sounds like money down a rathole for no apparent reason. <br />n<br />nThen I see they are proposing we can vote by mail for this proposed Presidential Primary. I hate to tell them we all ready can. It's called an Absentee Ballot. DUHHH! What did they just conveniently forget about such a critter or are they just trying to make this boondoggle sound better? Nothing can make this proposal sound better in my book, it's just an expensive waste of time that needs thrown out in the trash.<br />n<br />n<b>Foolishness is indeed the sister of wickedness. Sophocles</b>