
A few days ago I griped that it looked like it <b>was not</b> going to be a white Christmas. My how things change.<br />n<br />n<!–more–><br />n<br />n<blockquote>SNOW ADVISORY<br />n<br />n Northern Big Horn (Montana)<br />n<br />n URGENT – WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE<br />nNATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE BILLINGS MT<br />n346 AM MST WED DEC 22 2004<br />n.A DISTURBANCE WILL MOVE ACROSS THE AREA TODAY AND BRING PERIODS OF<br />nSNOW THROUGH THIS EVENING. THE HEAVIEST SNOW WILL FALL OVER THE<br />nMOUNTAINS AND NEAR THE SLOPES. SNOW WILL ALSO DEVELOP ACROSS<br />nTHE PLAINS FROM LIVINGSTON TO BILLINGS TODAY AS AN ARCTIC<br />nCOLD FRONT MOVES SLOWLY THROUGH THE AREA. ARCTIC HIGH PRESSURE<br />nWILL MOVE INTO SOUTHEAST MONTANA OVERNIGHT. THE VERY COLD AIR<br />nCOMBINED WITH GUSTY WINDS…WILL BRING VERY COLD WIND CHILL<br />nTEMPERATURES.<br />nMTZ028-029-034-035-040>042-057-063-230000-<br />nGOLDEN VALLEY MT-JUDITH GAP MT-MUSSELSHELL MT-NORTHERN BIG HORN MT-<br />nNORTHERN PARK MT-NORTHERN STILLWATER MT-NORTHERN SWEET GRASS MT-<br />nSOUTHERN WHEATLAND MT-YELLOWSTONE MT-<br />nINCLUDING THE CITIES OF…BIG TIMBER…BILLINGS…COLUMBUS…<br />nHARDIN…HARLOWTON AND ROUNDUP<br />n346 AM MST WED DEC 22 2004<br />n…SNOW ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM MST THIS EVENING…<br />nTHE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE IN BILLINGS MT HAS ISSUED A SNOW<br />nADVISORY.<br />nSNOW WILL DEVELOP OVER THE AREA THIS MORNING AND INCREASE IN<br />nINTENSITY BY EARLY AFTERNOON. SNOW ACCUMULATIONS OF 2 TO 4 INCHES<br />nWILL BE POSSIBLE.<br />nA SNOW ADVISORY IS ISSUED WHEN LIGHT SNOW IS EXPECTED TO DEVELOP BUT<br />nONLY ENOUGH TO CAUSE MINOR INCONVENIENCES SUCH AS TRAVEL DELAYS. NO<br />nSEVERE WINTER WEATHER IS EXPECTED AT THIS TIME.</blockquote><br />n<br />nI just told the hired man the other day it didn't seem right to be feeding the cows with no snow on the ground. Now at least it will fell right to be feeding and a white Christmas on the way. All feels right in this little corner of the world (except for the extremly cold temperatures expected with the storm, gotta take the good with the bad though).<br />n<br />n<b>As for the terms good and bad, they indicate no positive quality in things regarded in themselves, but are merely modes of thinking, or notions which we form from the comparison of things with one another. Baruch (Benedict) Spinoza</b>



