Why do you blog? First <a href="http://terrestrialball.blogspot.com/2004/11/why-do-we-blog.html" target="_blank">Pandora</a> asked the question and I have been considering it carefully and now <a href="http://www.sbpoet.com/2004/11/why_i_blog.html" target="_blank">Sharon</a> asks the same question. Why do you blog?<br />n<br />nThat is such a loaded question. I have only been at it for around a year so it probably is a good self-examination to ask myself this question. To start with I enjoy reading other blogs. They are educational, informative, and inspiring. They make you think and weigh who you are and how you fit in the world. But these things don't explain why I blog? <br />n<br />nI have always felt I expressed myself better when I write than when I speak. I had to laugh a while ago when <a href="http://www.davidmsc.com/" target="_blank">David</a> talked about bloggers being outgoing people. That doesn't really describe me well. I am not overly outgoing but a blog, where I can write, fits my style much better.<br />n<br />nBlogging also helps me stay in contact with the world. When you live on an isolated ranch and your nearest neighbor is over 15 miles away by road you can sometimes go days without seeing another soul besides your family. Blogging reduces the isolation.<br />n<br />nBlogging is also a way of keeping my mental acuity up. It helps clarify and refine my thoughts and keeps my mind active. Sometimes you focus in so on your job it's hard to dig out of the rut. I know some ranchers that are so focused on ranching that they don't bring their head up and see the world around them. They only see thier little part of the world and can't see the whole picture sometimes and they approach everything without seeing the bigger picture. I'm trying to avoid that. Broaden my horizons so that I don't get bogged down in my daily routine.<br />n<br />nProbably the no.1 reason I blog though is I enjoy it. It's real simple. For no reason I can consciously explain, I enjoy it. That's why I blog.<br />n<br />n<b>True happiness is… to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future. Lucius Annaeus Seneca</b>